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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부

Foreign Teacher Recruitment Notice​


  Korean School of Malaysia is an organization, managed by the Ministry of Education of Korea, which is built for Korean students to learn and experience a wide range of competencies suited for the 21st century

  Since September 2016, we have made a huge progress in developing our own Korean international curriculum, building a friendly atmosphere conducive to academic pursuit.

  We invite suitably qualified and experienced candidates with great educational enthusiasm to join as a full-time primary teacher in the Korean School of Malaysia.


 1. Job Description



No of Post

Working Condition


Science, Math,


※Should teach

in English



-Teaching about 25 periods a week
  ※One period is 40 mins

   -Teaching Year 1 to Year 6

-Mon to Fri, 07:50~15:50 (8 hrs)

-Teaching Science in English(Y1-6)

-Teaching Math in English(Y1-6)

-Teaching Chinese in English(Y1-6)

-Lesson planning weekly and semesterly

-Assessment and subject reports semesterly and yearly

-Checking homework and giving appropriate feedback

 -Aid teacher(in-between classes)

-Foreign Language Education management assistance

-Foreign Education Teachers management assistance

 -Planning and participating in foreign education events(i.e. English festival, Deepavali, etc.)

 -Assisting school activities(i.e. Korean holiday events, After reading activities)

 -Performing general and additional duties upon request


 2. Contract Period: 1 Year (1st, March, 2020~28st, February 2021)

  ※ Renewal will be noticed prior to the last month.


 3. Job requirements

❍ Candidates must possess certificates or experience in teaching Science or Math

❍ Must have experience in teaching in English or certificates related to English education

❍ Must have experience in teaching basic Mandarin in English


 4. Added Advantages

❍ with at least a Bachelor‘s Degree in Science or Mathematics related areas

❍ with teaching license or high English test scores(JELA, better than 37/40)

❍ with working experience in educational organizations

❍ with a diploma or certificate related to English or Chinese

❍ with working experience teaching Korean students


 5. Recruitment Process




Job Application

(via Jobstreet)


Accepting candidates meeting the job requirements and submitting all the required documents



Interviewing the selected candidates

Notice of Final Selection


Individual notification

※ Schedule may change according to the school schedule.


 6. Required Documents

❍ Application Form with picture (attached file), Self Essay (attached file)

❍ 1 Copy of the highest certificate of a degree

❍ 1 Copy of all the documentary evidence(i.e. teacher’s license, certificates)

※ Originals of the copies are needed for the interview


 7. Work Location

Korean School of Malaysia

No 7&8, Jalan CV 2, Selangor Cyber Valley 63300 Cyberjaya, Selangor

* If you have any inquiries, please email at job@ksmy.kr


Homepage: www.ksmy.kr

E-mail: job@ksmy.kr


Korean School of Malaysia

[Kor]말레이시아한국국제학교 외국인 교사 채용 공고.hwp [Eng]Foreign Teacher Recruitment Notice.docx

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